Dr Andrew Lancaster

Hello, I’m Andrew Lancaster!

Welcome to Lerna Courses! It’s been my passion project, built on years of dedication to the fields of university education, careers, and psychology. The inspiration? Simple – to provide students with straightforward, valuable, and unbiased information. I understand the weight of choosing a course or career path; it’s a decision that can map out our lives. I wanted Lerna Courses to be a place where you can find the best advice to guide you.

Before Lerna Courses came to life, I founded Unicurve in 2013 with a similar mission. Over the years, we’ve grown and adapted, always with the student’s journey in mind.

My own journey has been diverse and enriching. The Australian Public Service offered me opportunities to contribute to meaningful projects, such as the “Australia in the Asian Century.” I also had the privilege to lead and guide teams at the Department of Industry.

On the academic side, I’ve been a student myself, diving into Economics degrees and tutoring at the University of Tasmania and the Australian National University.

Some highlights from my journey so far include:

  • Creating and growing Unicurve.
  • Contributing to impactful projects and initiatives in public service.
  • Engaging with brilliant minds at The Australian National University.
  • Most importantly, developing Lerna Courses into the platform you see today.

Making good education and career choices is vital for success in life. I’m here, and so is Lerna Courses, to guide you every step of the way. If you ever have questions or just want to share some thoughts, reach out. Here’s to your future and all the opportunities it holds. Cheers!


More About Andrew as an Author

As the founder of Unicurve, Andrew has dedicated himself to providing people with reliable, user-friendly guidance when choosing between online courses. His writing focuses on helping individuals make informed decisions about their education, careers, and future.

From exploring the differences between computer science and software engineering to delving into the skills needed for a successful management career, Andrew’s writing is informative, engaging, and thought-provoking.

With a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and extensive experience as a manager in the Australian Public Service, Andrew has a wealth of knowledge to share.

If you’re looking for practical advice on topics about succeeding with online learning, your education, and capitalising on your qualifications, Andrew’s articles are an excellent resource. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply interested in learning more about these fascinating fields, Andrew’s work is sure to inform and inspire.