Psychology degree time

How Long Does It Take to Get a Psychology Degree?

posted in: Careers 2

Psychology is one of the most popular degrees at university and college. A common question prospective students have is “How long does it take to get a psychology degree?” Let’s answer this and also explore the requirements for earning a psychology degree and becoming a psychologist.

A Psychology bachelor degree takes four years to complete as a full-time student. Another psychology degree is a Master’s in Psychology, which takes one to two years to get. Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) and PhD in Psychology degrees are both four years long or more.

Psychology Degree Full-Time Duration*
Associate Degree 2 years
Bachelor of Psychology 3-4 years
Master of Psychology 1-2 years
PsyD or PhD in Psychology 4+ years

*General guide only. Country and program variations exist. Students may take longer.

When contemplating the duration of psychology studies, you should consider more than just the length of an undergraduate degree. To actually work as a psychologist, higher qualifications are essential.

If you want to work as an assistant psychologist, school psychologist, industrial psychologist, psychology researcher, or community college teacher, you’ll generally need a master’s degree.

To become a licensed psychologist and treat clients or patients, a doctoral degree in clinical psychology is required.

Psychology Degrees and How Long They Take

Associate degree: 2 years

Associate degrees in psychology normally require 2 years of coursework if you study full-time. The degree you earn is typically an Associate of Arts (AA) in Psychology, though Associate of Science (AS) degrees with a major in Psychology may also be available.

Bachelor degree: 3-4 years

The standard duration for a Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Science (Psychology), or equivalent degree is 4 years. But that time might vary depending on your location. Some colleges outside the US let you complete a degree in just three years.

For example, the University of California, Irvine, offers four-year psychology degrees in both the arts and science bachelor programs. In contrast, the University of Melbourne programs take three years, plus an extra year if you do an honours degree.

Master’s degree: 1-2 years

If you choose to attend a master’s program, expect another one to two years. For instance, the Master of Arts in Psychology at Boston University runs for one year, focusing on psychological theory and research. Comparably, the University of Pittsburgh offers a two-year master’s degree: Master of Science in Applied Developmental Psychology.

PsyD or PhD in Clinical Psychology: 4+ years

A Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree or PhD in Clinical Psychology will qualify you to work as a licensed psychologist. The minimum length is generally considered to be four years, with most students completing their psychology doctorate over 4-6 years.

Variability in the time it takes for a doctorate can come from a long dissertation or thesis project and write-up. Some doctoral candidates are highly efficient and do this quickly while others find the task more challenging and can take years longer.

What Can I Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology?

While you generally need a doctorate degree to work as a psychologist, you can still put a bachelor’s degree to good use. A Bachelor of Psychology or equivalent degree is a generalist qualification that allows you to compete for many professional jobs. You’re also eligible for graduate degree programs in fields such as counselling, social work and education.

Even without having to attend graduate school, careers you may consider with an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in psychology include:

  • case manager in social and human service fields
  • communications or public relations specialist
  • human resources manager
  • probation and parole officer or corrections case manager
  • sales or customer service representative.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Psychologist?

In terms of tuition fees, the cost to become a psychologist in the United States is estimated to be $72,000 over 8 years. That’s if you study at college or university in your state that has average fees by national standards. For an out-of-state education, the cost is estimated to be $180,000.

To calculate the cost to become a psychologist, you multiple the annual tuition fee by the number of years for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Becoming a psychologist essentially takes a minimum of 4 years of undergraduate study and 4 years of postgraduate study. The $72,000 figure is based on 4 x $7,385 for an in-state bachelor’s degree in psychology and 4 x $10,625 for an in-state PhD in Psychology. Annual tuition fees statistics come from College Tuition Compare.

Of course, the costs may be much higher if you study at one of the more expensive colleges or universities. Additionally, we haven’t accounted for the opportunity cost of your education. While many college graduates in their mid-20s are able to work and save money, graduate psychology students will still be studying. Many graduate psychology students work part-time as well, though this can extend education timeframes.

Do Some Psychology Specialties Take Longer? 

School psychologist

The duration of psychology studies can vary depending on the chosen specialty, and each specialty has its own training duration. While the timeframes are broadly similar, there are some variations.

Clinical and Counseling often have longer qualifying periods, typically requiring a minimum of eight years of training. The rigorous training includes earning a doctoral degree and completing supervised clinical experience.

Forensic, on the other hand, may have a training period similar to clinical and counseling psychology but requires less post-degree supervised work.

School and Industrial/organizational generally have shorter qualifying durations, typically around six to seven years.

Other specialties, such as Developmental, Educational, Health, Neuropsychology, and Social, typically require a doctoral degree and have training durations ranging from five to seven years.

Related: 33 Different Fields of Psychology Study

Psychology Degree Requirements

Psychology degrees provide broad instruction in natural and life sciences as well as humanities and social sciences. As a result, the field of psychology admits candidates from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, which is reflected in typical degree program requirements. 

Bachelor’s degree in psychology requirements 

While institutional conditions for entry vary, candidates are typically expected to demonstrate both sciences and humanities aptitude. Undergraduate programs commonly expect solid A level results in a mix of subjects, including biology, chemistry, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and sociology.

Master’s program entry requirements

Candidates pursuing a master’s degree in psychology will typically possess an undergraduate psychology qualification. However, it is common to see enrolled students from diverse backgrounds in arts, humanities, and sciences.

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) or PhD in Psychology

For a Doctor of Psychology degree or PhD in Psychology, entry requirements depend on the type of program. The American Psychological Association recognizes three different categories of doctorate degrees: clinical, counselling, and school psychology.

Both [the PsyD and PhD in Psychology] satisfy the requirements for full authority licensure and neither limits you from clinical practice or research work, but the training in a PhD is a bit more traditionally oriented to academia while the PsyD focuses more narrowly on clinical practice.

Careers in Psychology

Generally, however, you should have an undergraduate degree with in-depth psychology training that includes statistics, laboratory experience, and research methods. A master’s degree is often not essential, and even an undergraduate major in Psychology may be unnecessary if you’ve completed all prerequisite courses. The minimum grade point average (GPA) is typically 3.0, though competition for places can push this up.

Can You Save Time with Online Psychology Programs? 

Online learner

Online psychology degrees offer flexibility for those with busy schedules. They can also be quicker than in-person courses, allowing students to study at their own pace. No more commuting means extra time for learning. Some programs even offer accelerated options to help you qualify faster.

However, online courses are no less rigorous. You’ll still need to complete the same credit hours as traditional students. In the end, choosing the right path depends on your career goals and the time you’re willing to invest.

Related: Best Psychology Courses Online in Australia

How Long Does It Take to Become a Clinical Psychologist? 

Clinical psychologist

Becoming a licenced clinical psychologist takes around 10 years in the United States, which includes one to two years of applied training and licensing.

Clinical psychologists must be licenced with industry bodies such as the American Psychological Association or the Psychology Board of Australia. Obtaining a license requires a PhD in Psychology (PhD) or a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD). Gaining this qualification can require four to six years of full-time study. 

Here’s a look at the timeframes for become a licensed clinical psychologist: 

  • Completing a bachelor’s degree takes four years 
  • A master’s in psychology (sometimes optional) runs for one to two years 
  • For a doctorate, programs typically take four to six years
  • Postgraduate training and licencing require between one to two years

Overall, your pathway to licenced practice is likely to include 8+ years of university-level education. To minimize the time, you can enter a PhD program after a psychology bachelor’s degree. You may also apply for a master’s program embedded within a clinical psychology doctorate program, such as the Clinical Psychology Master of Arts (MA) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Graduates are able to maintain a psychology practice where they consult with and treat people experiencing mental health problems. 

How to Become a Psychologist in Australia 

Graduate student in Australia

The Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) requires a six-year pathway to become a registered psychologist, involving:

For specialisation, an advanced degree like an MPsych or PhD is needed, followed by a one- to two-year registrar program. Many different roles are available to psychologists and you should explore the different options before committing.

Further information: Best Psychology Degrees Online in Australia

Follow Andrew Lancaster:
The director of Lerna Courses, Andrew Lancaster, is experienced in analytics, technology, and business development. He has a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. His writing helps people make informed choices about education and careers. He covers a range of topics, including university education, psychology, and professional growth.

2 Responses

  1. alex
    | Reply

    I have thought of becoming a clinical psychologist in my mind and now my few questions related to it are largely answered. And now I know how much time exactly will it take for me to be there. This article is very helpful and all your content is top-notch, keep it up.

  2. Heather W.
    | Reply

    I am having a hard time deciding which path is best. I know getting an associate degree is a given but what then? Do you go for higher learning beyond that? Can I skip this and just go for a longer study altogether and save time? Money? I am not really sure what to do.

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