Hello! This is where you'll find all the legal stuff for Lerna Courses, from our accessibility practices to how we use cookies. It's our way of keeping things transparent with you.

Accessibility statement

Lerna Courses is dedicated to accessibility. This dedication is broad and includes everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.


Lerna Courses uses cookies on our platform. Discover more about cookies, the categories of cookies we employ, and their different purposes.


Copyright Notices: All Lerna Courses materials, encompassing images, text, and video, are safeguarded by the Australian Copyright Act 1968.


Every effort has been taken to ensure accurate information is present on this site. Nonetheless, Lerna Courses does not guarantee accuracy.

Privacy policy

Lerna Courses is committed to complying with Australian Privacy Principles. We value privacy and will protect your personal information.

Terms of use

By using this site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use in relation to your use or the performance of this website.