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Graduate Diploma in Psychology Online

Learn about the mind, human development, and psychological wellbeing in this open course.

Woman wearing glasses reading from computer screen in a contemplative fashion

Designed for university graduates who do not have a background in the field, the Graduate Diploma in Psychology is equivalent to a bachelor's degree. Delve into psychological science through 20 months of part-time study.

The objective of this qualification is to provide the same opportunities available in a traditional bachelor's program, but with an accelerated pace for university graduates. Explore psychological methods from a foundational level, so laying the groundwork for a career in psychology.

Course Overview

The online Graduate Diploma of Psychology is comprised of ten units. Participants learn how to use psychological science to analyse and promote wellbeing, explore human development stages from infancy to adolescence, and apply psychological theories to human growth as an adult.

The program paves the way towards becoming a practising psychologist, offering an opportunity to master fundamental psychological concepts. It provides a comprehensive overview of the theories and practices of psychology, making it ideal for those new to the subject.

For those aiming to become registered psychologists, this course is equivalent to an undergraduate degree with a major in psychology. This degree is also an excellent choice for students seeking a deeper understanding of psychology and to develop skills that can be applied in their current fields of study or work.

For students who have previously studied psychology at the bachelor level, you might want to consider the Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced). This is a fourth-year, honours-equivalent qualification.

What You Can Do With This Qualification

Abstract representation of the human mind

The Graduate Diploma in Psychology provides the same job and further education opportunities you would receive from a Bachelor of Psychology degree. Additionally, you might be able to leverage your previous degree and any work experience to your advantage.

University degree and graduation cap

Australian universities offer a range of excellent online courses designed for flexible part-time study. These programs are perfect for working professionals, enabling you to fulfil other obligations alongside your studies. Subjects are completed sequentially, allowing you to concentrate on one topic at a time.

James Cook University

The Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Bridging) from James Cook University is an affordable and contemporary program from a psychology school that's been operating for over 50 years. The 10-subject APAC-accredited course can be completed 100% online over 20 months of part-time study. You do one subject from start to finish within each 7-week teaching period. You'll be kept up-to-date with recent developments in disciplines such as social and environmental psychology, counselling and neuroscience. Students also build skills in technology and the use of data, which are increasingly important for research and client and community care.

UTS Online

UTS Online's Graduate Diploma in Psychology is informed by the latest American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines. These establish detailed aspirations for how psychologists should conduct themselves in applying psychological science. By completing this program, you'll gain insight into human behaviour, social and biological influences on the mind, and how to approach psychology as a researcher and practitioner. The flexible course from the UTS Graduate School of Health has been created just for online learning and serves as a pathway to becoming a registered psychologist.

Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced)

Woman jotting notes on a clipboard during professional discussion

University of Adelaide

The Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) from the University of Adelaide is an online alternative to an on-campus honours year. The program takes 1.3 years of 100% online study and can be completed while you work full-time. Students benefit from state-of-the-art learning technology. Applied learning is emphasised, with regular exposure to real-world and simulated-real-world scenarios in case studies and assignments. Topics covered include data analysis using software, communication and interview skills, harnessing psychological evidence, measurement and assessment instruments, research planning and statistical analysis, and research projects.

UTS Online

Move a critical step forwards towards your dream psychology career with the Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) from UTS Online. Career readiness is one of the first subjects in this program and will provide you with a strong understanding of the professional opportunities in psychological science, along with practical skills to make you competitive in the job market. Students also develop their assessment, intervention and research skills. You'll have the opportunity to demonstrate and develop your research craft with two major projects that make up half the honours-equivalent course.

What You'll Study (Course Structure)

The Graduate Diploma in Psychology generally includes 10 subjects. While each program adheres to national standards, creating a level of uniformity, there's room for variation. You'll find core subjects like an introduction to psychology, research methods, human development, social psychology, and individual differences in most programs.

However, every university has its unique areas of emphasis. This allows you to pick a program that aligns more closely with your personal interests and career goals. But regardless of these distinctive focal points, all programs aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of psychology that will be valuable in a wide range of professional contexts.

Subject descriptions

Learning Outcomes

As a foundational or bridging course, a GradDipPsych provides a broad spectrum of knowledge across key areas in the field. This encompasses subjects like lifespan psychology, personality and social psychology, as well as abnormal psychology.

Graduates will also gain an appreciation for ethics in psychological practice and acquire the skill to apply a psychologist's perspective to problem-solving. Here are some more specific learning outcomes you can expect:

  • Apply diagnostic criteria to psychological disorders using the DSM-5.
  • Explain how psychological intervention strategies can be used in various contexts.
  • Source, analyse, and present findings from cognitive psychology research.
  • Generate solutions to research questions using data.
  • Understand biological psychology and mechanisms of the nervous system.
  • Apply key theories of social psychology to significant societal challenges.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of various counselling approaches and methods.

Career Opportunities

Businesswoman meeting with client or colleague

With a bachelor's degree in one discipline plus the equivalent of a psychology degree, you're highly qualified to pursue many different careers. Not counting opportunities that might come from further study, psychology training is especially useful in the following occupations.

Case manager

A psychology qualification and some field experience sets you up to work as a case manager. You can work in sectors such as youth support, aged care, victim support, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, child and family, and migrant support.

Communications specialist

Psychology study positions you to work in communications by developing writing, verbal communication, messaging, active listening, interviewing and research skills. Jobs include community liaison officer and public relations officer.

Human resources manager

With excellent communication and organisational skills, coupled with strong interpersonal skills, a career in human resource management beckons. Job examples are HR assistant, HR officer, and human resources manager.

Public administration

Many jobs in the public service require the same general set of skills you gain by studying psychology, including research and report writing, communication skills, and statistical analysis. Look for graduate programs to get started.

Entry Requirements and Fees

Entry requirements for a Graduate Diploma in Psychology online course are essentially that you have a bachelor degree or equivalent or higher qualification. Your undergraduate degree should be in a discipline other than Psychology.

English language proficiency requirements also apply if you are from a non-English speaking country. Program participants must be proficient at listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.

Tuition fees are in the range of $3,400 - $3,852 in 2023 depending on the program. For a full 10-subject program, courses fees are 10x the per-subject cost. Australian citizens are eligible for a FEE-HELP loan.

How to Become a Psychologist

Diagram of steps to become a psychologist in Australia
† Online courses are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Gold Coast, Newcastle. Australia-wide.