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8 Health Management Courses Online in Australia

Choose the ideal health management course for you. Here are 8 different types of online courses for a health manager career, including graduate certificates and masters degrees.

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Health management courses give you skills and qualifications for managing health services. You may study topics such as Australia's healthcare system, using patient data, managing people, client safety, and service quality assurance.

Courses for health managers are postgraduate, meaning they're open to university graduates. In some cases, you may need a health-related degree, or experience in medical or social care services. The programs are ideal for professionals aiming for senior roles in the healthcare industry.

Online Courses

If you want to add to your skills, knowledge and qualifications to be a manager in a healthcare organisation, these are some great options. Each online course is available for flexible, part-time study. Gain a manager's education as a full-time working professional.

For registered nurses, postgraduate education often starts with a Graduate Certificate in Nursing. Various specialisations are available that can lead to senior roles, including Leadership and Management.

Every nurse can potentially benefit from managerial training, which helps with supervising staff, directing nursing units or leading healthcare service delivery.

Topics you may explore in a nurse manager course include client care, professional resilience, strategic planning and evidence-based nursing practice. Graduates may continue to study online for a nursing masters... READ MORE

A Master of Health Administration is similar to a Master of Health Management. Both postgraduate programs prepare students for leadership and managerial positions within the healthcare industry.

Health administrators may focus on day-to-day operations whereas services managers may be more involved with business strategy. Differences between the roles are nuanced, however, and often ignored.

The health administration masters featured on this site are degrees orientated towards service delivery and business administration... READ MORE

You can specialise in Healthcare Management, Health Services Management, or similar as part of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

A Health MBA may become available when a university allows students to choose subjects from across both health masters and MBA programs.

The MBA is the world's most popular and well recognised management degree. By completing an MBA, you learn administration and leadership skills than can be applied in any business setting. Adding health units helps tailor the program for a healthcare career... READ MORE

For many nurses, the ideal manager's program is a masters in nursing. You can major in Leadership and Management (or similar) in a Master of Nursing degree.

A nursing masters may be a good option if your goal is to manage in a clinical setting, such as where you supervise other nurses and healthcare workers.

The course allows for general professional development while you also gain managerial skills and qualifications. Subject examples: finance for a healthcare manager, conflict resolution in healthcare, leading and managing in health, and patient services ethics... READ MORE

A Master of Business Administration may be the best way to gain skills for your next role in healthcare.

An advantage of doing a straight MBA, without a healthcare specialisation, is that you have more program choice. The degree may also better equip you to transition to a career removed from clinical practice.

MBA skills are general and can be applied to any business role, including across the many healthcare sectors. MBA courses are run similarly to healthcare masters. They usually consist of 12 subjects and have graduate certificate and diploma components... READ MORE

Public health courses include graduate certificates and masters. Programs are open to people from different disciplines, so you don't need to have studied or worked in clinical or social services before.

Public health professionals are concerned with population welfare. They oversee interventions such as healthy living education programs, medical services regulations, and even pandemic mask and vaccine rules.

Graduates work in policy and research settings. Common employment destinations are health and disease agencies, government departments, and universities... READ MORE

What Degree Is Best for Healthcare Management?

For health professionals targeting senior roles, choosing the right postgraduate degree can maximise your job opportunities. A variety of manager courses are available, each with its own value and benefits.

The most prestigious and sought-after degree in healthcare management is a Master's in Health Management or similar. The degree demonstrates extensive knowledge and professional commitment to the field, making it a valuable asset for those seeking leadership roles.

If you are looking for a shorter, more focused program to develop your skills, a Graduate Certificate in Health Management could be a good option. While it carries less weight than a master's degree, it is easier to obtain and can help you target specific skill development goals. Additionally, completed subjects often count as credits towards a future masters.

For those with extensive healthcare management experience, doing an MBA could be a better investment. An MBA program will round out your business management education, which can help you excel in leadership positions.

Lastly, for nurses who want to stay within the nursing niche, a nursing master's degree may be the strongest qualification to place on their CV or resume. This degree can provide specialised knowledge and skills to advance your career as a nurse manager or administrator.

What You'll Study (Course Structure)

Courses for managers are principles-based, developing knowledge and skills that can be applied in diverse settings. Topics commonly covered include the Australian health system, leadership and organisational management, using evidence and data, and strategic management.

In general, not counting advanced standing for previous study, you need to complete 4 subjects for a graduate certificate, 8 subjects for a graduate diploma, and 12 subjects for a master's degree.

Learning Outcomes

The management programs explore the responsibilities for health managers in Australia. You'll graduate with improved awareness of service issues and be armed with administration and leadership strategies. In a good course, expect to achieve these kinds of learning outcomes.

Healthcare knowledge
Knowledge of contemporary healthcare practices, policy and research, coupled with the ability to connect concepts with practice to deliver efficient, high-quality services.

Attitudes and values
Ethical approaches to administration to achieve sustainable, equitable improvements in health systems and healthcare service delivery.

Health leadership skills
Awareness of leadership approaches and sensitivity to the issues affecting the industry, healthcare professionals and consumers. The confidence to assume leadership roles based on competence, strategic knowledge and communication skills.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements can be summed as: You need a bachelor degree OR relevant experience. The courses are postgraduate generally speaking, meaning that a bachelor degree is the standard academic requirement. If you lack this, you can potentially be admitted based on multiple years of experience in healthcare or social services.

But course admission requirements vary. For example, your bachelor degree (or equivalent or higher qualification) may have to be in a healthcare field. And some programs require a combination of qualifications and experience. If unsure if you're eligible, check individual course requirements.


† Online courses are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Gold Coast, Newcastle. Australia-wide.