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11 Hacks to Improve MCAT Score Fast

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Try these 11 hacks for your MCAT preparation to improve your score quickly. Using high-impact tips and tricks, you might increase your MCAT score by 20 points in as little as 2 weeks to a month.

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is taken by pre-med students to gain admission to medical schools. It tests knowledge and skills across many scientific subjects. Effective preparation can greatly improve your scores. The MCAT is scored by calculating a total score based on the four section scores.

1. Land on the Right Answer First

When you read a question, think about what the answer should be before looking at the options. This approach helps you quickly identify the correct answer without getting confused by the distractors. If you’re unsure, eliminate the obviously incorrect choices and make a reasoned guess.

2. Train Yourself on Known Trick Words

The MCAT loves to use tricky wording to test your attention to detail. Words like “NOT,” “EXCEPT,” and “LEAST” can completely change the meaning of a question. To score high, familiarise yourself with these common pitfalls to avoid falling into these traps.

3. Take Full-Length Practice Exams

Take full-length practice exams under timed conditions. This is an essential part of your test-taking strategy. You’ll build the stamina needed for the 7.5-hour exam and get accustomed to the test format. Aim to take at least one practice exam weekly leading up to your test date.

4. Use High-yield, Low-fluff Materials

Not all study materials are created equal. Focus on resources that cover the most frequently tested topics without going into unnecessary depth. This will save you time and ensure you’re studying the most relevant content. MCAT prep courses allow for customised study plans to maximise your score.

5. Focus on High Yield Areas

Certain topics are tested more frequently on the MCAT. Prioritise studying these high-yield areas, such as hormones, equilibrium, and key organic reactions like SN1/SN2. This targeted approach can give you a significant score boost in a short time.

6. Use Passages to Prime Your Brain

Skim the first paragraph of a passage to understand the main idea, then jump to the questions. Many questions won’t require detailed information from the passage, allowing you to answer more efficiently. Use this technique to save time and improve accuracy.

7. Spaced Repetition with Flashcards

Spaced repetition is a proven method for long-term retention. Use flashcards and review them at increasing intervals. This technique ensures you remember information over a longer period, making it easier to recall on test day.

8. Intentional MCAT-style Practice

Practice questions should mimic the format and difficulty of actual MCAT questions. Use official AAMC materials and reputable question banks. Early in your prep, focus on untimed practice to improve your skills. As you progress, switch to timed practice to simulate test conditions.

9. Review Practice Exams

After taking practice exams, spend time thoroughly reviewing your answers. Understand why you got questions wrong. This helps you identify patterns and common pitfalls, improving your performance on future exams.

10. Analyse Correct Answers As Well

To get a good MCAT score, don’t just focus on the questions you got wrong. Review the ones you got right. Understand why they’re correct. A full review helps reinforce your knowledge and identify any lucky guesses that need further study.

11. Allocate Your Time Across Subjects

Identify your weakest areas and allocate more study time to them. At the same time, don’t neglect your strengths. Balance your study schedule to improve your overall score, focusing on areas that will give you the highest return on investment.

Related: Proven Time Management Tips for Online Students

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