How to Get Into Uni Without an ATAR

Don’t let a low ATAR score hold you back from your goal of attending university. Discover alternative pathways to secure your uni spot.… Read More

What Is a Graduate Diploma?

Think of a graduate diploma as half or more of a master’s degree. Students usually gain the qualification by doing most of a masters.… Read More

Graduate Certificate vs Graduate Diploma

Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma? Each has advantages while having limitations. Let’s explore the differences between these courses.… Read More

Are Graduate Certificates Worth It in Australia?

A graduate certificate is worth serious attention. The low-cost grad cert offers a high payoff in the form of a respected uni qualification.… Read More

What Is a Graduate Certificate in Australia?

A graduate certificate in Australia is a short, higher education course that normally consists of four subjects. It’s open to degree holders.… Read More

Is a Graduate Certificate Equivalent to a Degree?

The quick answer is that a graduate certificate is similar to a degree. It’s a short course, so doesn’t carry the same weight as a degree.… Read More

Online Degrees List: Top 100 from Australia

100+ bachelor and masters online degrees from Australian universities. Courses selected from all fields: business, technology, health, etc.… Read More

Online University Rankings: Top 5 List

Rankings of Australia’s online universities – by subject and top 5 overall. Discover which Australian universities have the best courses.… Read More

18 Tips to Study Online Effectively

Tried and true ways to succeed at online study. University and college students were asked to provide tips on how they learn and pass exams.… Read More

Australia’s Best Online Universities

Guide to accredited online universities in Australia. Study with these unis for a degree. List of the biggest and best for online learning.… Read More

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