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Best Entrepreneurship Degrees Online in Australia

Bachelor and masters programs to become a successful entrepreneur.

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A degree in entrepreneurship provides the skills to start a business or be a strategic and innovative employee. Graduates hold an enhanced ability to drive growth.

Australian universities offer online business degrees at bachelor and masters levels for aspiring entrepreneurs. You can earn a bachelor degree with a major in an entrepreneurship field. Uni graduates and experienced professionals can opt for a Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Bachelor Degrees

Let's explore the best online bachelor degrees to become an entrepreneur in Australia. Each program focuses on essential areas of entrepreneurship and lets you customise your studies. You have the opportunity to design a learning experience that meets your skills development goals.

QUT - BBus (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

The Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) from QUT is a 3-year online degree. Subjects include 'Thinking Like an Entrepreneur', 'Entrepreneurial Incubator', 'Financial Performance', 'Business Law and Governance', 'Innovation Management', and 'Strategic Marketing'. You can customise your learning experience with electives such as 'Advanced Marketing', 'Digital Business Management', and 'Sustainable Enterprise'. Entry requires a minimum ATAR of 70.

UNE - Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

The Bachelor of Business (Marketing) from the University of New England offers a flexible, all-round business education. Participants develop skills in critical thinking, communication, financial analysis, and decision-making. Marketing majors gain insight into consumer behaviour, digital marketing communications, services marketing, and strategic marketing. The customisable degree also allows for the study of small business management and international business. You can gain many of the skills needed to run a business and reach customers.

Deakin - Bachelor of Business Analytics

The Bachelor of Business Analytics from Deakin University equips students with the practical commercial skills to interpret data and information. Students learn how to solve complex organisational problems and create business opportunities using data insights. This program provides hands-on experience in real-world projects and offers work-integrated learning opportunities, including community-based volunteering, team projects, and internships. You'll learn to find meaning and extract value from data by applying creativity to real-world problems. Industry partners like IBM, Deloitte, and PwC feed into the course content.

Deakin - BBus (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation major from Deakin University provides skills, tools, and perspectives for innovating in business. It prepares you for careers like starting your own business, family-business entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, or helping existing organisations to launch and manage new products and enter into new markets. The program covers units such as Creating and Managing Social Enterprises, Digital Business Analysis, Design Thinking, Brand Management, Project Management, and Global Strategy and International Management. It also includes a Business Management Capstone and work-integrated learning units.

CSU - Bachelor of Business (Strategic Planning)

The Bachelor of Business (Strategic Planning) at Charles Sturt University is an excellent program for entrepreneurs as it develops the skills to make decisions that enable an organisation to achieve goals. This major teaches strategic planning, budgeting, operations management, and leadership skills. These are essential to create and deliver a business strategy to drive results and boost performance. The course is designed in consultation with industry representatives. Real-world assignments and work placements are included, giving students practical experience and connections with industry leaders.

Study to Be an Entrepreneur Online

Online entrepreneurship degrees offer an efficient and flexible way to study. With the ability to start courses at different times of the year, you can study without long breaks. Create a schedule that fits your needs and availability.

The mental journey involves acquiring the necessary tools, mindset, and concepts for building a successful business. Through online entrepreneur courses, you can gain these essential skills. You also learn in a digital environment that reflects today's innovative landscape and is good practice if you're a budding online entrepreneur.

Online programs typically offer the same content as on-campus, but are presented in a different way. You'll develop proficiency in digital media, which is a crucial skill for reaching customers and forming partnerships in business. Choose an online study option and take the first step towards a bright future.

What You'll Learn in a Specialised Program

In an entrepreneurship degree program, students develop general as well as specialised business skills. In addition to growing enterprises, entrepreneurs are often responsible for all aspects of a business. A wide skill set is therefore needed.

Small business skills are critical for success, such as the ability to read financial reports, conduct basic accounting, analyse markets, generate sales forecasts, market products and services, and manage people. These essential skills can be developed through general business and management studies.

Degrees for entrepreneurs may also cover specialist topics such as innovation and growth strategies, and investor presentations. Students may also have opportunities to work on applied projects. Project work allows theory learned in classes to be applied to real-world scenarios and valuable job-ready skills to be developed.

Businessman using advanced information technology

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is normally the best option if you have a degree or significant work experience and wish to study entrepreneurship. An MBA course may cover topics such as innovation, finance, leadership, and marketing. The most effective programs for entrepreneurs encourage business development skills through practical applications and industry connections.

UTS Online - Master of Business Administration (Flex Stream)

The MBA (Flex Stream) from UTS Online is ideal for budding entrepreneurs. It blends core business disciplines like marketing, finance, and strategy with the flexibility to choose electives across 30+ options. Customise your degree with courses in digital marketing, business analytics, or artificial intelligence for example. The online degree can be completed part-time in 2 years. The qualification and skills you gain have enduring value for any business career.

Business Entrepreneurship Degree Salary

Salary statistics for entrepreneurship majors are difficult to obtain and, in many cases, net worth may be a more accurate way to measure success. Business owners typically accumulate wealth by increasing the value of their companies rather than by taking a salary.

However, entrepreneurship is ranked among the highest paying business degrees. The skills gained from this education are valuable for roles such as Business Development Manager, Product Manager, and Sales Manager. These executive positions pay over $100k and involve guiding the growth of an organisation.

Courses in this field can also lead to other high-paying business careers. Studying business administration as part of an MBA may lead to management roles such as Senior Manager and General Manager. Other career paths are also available in disciplines such as business analytics, finance, international business, and digital marketing.

Is Entrepreneur a Good Career?

If you're someone who values freedom, potential wealth, and living life on your own terms, being an entrepreneur might just be the ticket for you.

By starting your own business, you get to set your own pace and chart your own course. Plus, you'll be able to do work that you're truly passionate about, which can be incredibly satisfying.

But let's not sugar-coat things. Getting involved with start ups comes with its fair share of challenges too. For one thing, there's no guarantee that you'll make a steady income, and you'll need to be comfortable with taking risks if you want to succeed. The skill and energy demands are just too great for some people.

Ultimately, whether or not this is the right path for you will depend on your personality, your goals, and your appetite for risk. If you're willing to put in the time, effort, and discipline it takes to start and run a successful business, the potential rewards can be absolutely massive.

So if you're ready to take the leap and start building your own business, go for it! Just remember to stay focused, stay dedicated, and stay hungry for success. And who knows – with a little bit of hard work and a whole lot of heart, you just might end up changing the world.

† Online courses are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Gold Coast, Newcastle. Australia-wide.