Title: WA Health System - Australian Nursing Federation - Registered Nurses, Midwives, Enrolled (Mental Health) and Enrolled (Mothercraft) Nurses - Industrial Agreement 2020

Author: Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission



The "WA Health System - Australian Nursing Federation - Registered Nurses, Midwives, Enrolled (Mental Health) and Enrolled (Mothercraft) Nurses - Industrial Agreement 2020" is a comprehensive agreement registered by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment for nurses and midwives within the WA Health System.

The document covers various aspects such as workloads, employment modes, salaries, allowances, hours of work, leave entitlements, and safety measures. It aims to establish clear, fair working conditions and rights for nursing and midwifery staff, ensuring they are adequately compensated and their workloads are manageable.

The agreement is structured into different parts, detailing the application and operation of the agreement, specific workloads for nurses, modes of employment, and an extensive list of salaries and allowances. It also encompasses detailed provisions for hours of work, rostering, overtime, leave types, and allowances relevant to the diverse needs of nursing and midwifery staff.


The author of the document is the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, a statutory authority responsible for administering industrial relations laws in Western Australia. The Commission's role includes registering industrial agreements and resolving disputes between employers and employees, ensuring fair and equitable working conditions across various sectors.

Key Takeaways

  1. Comprehensive Employment Terms
    Details employment conditions for nurses and midwives in WA.
  2. Workload Management
    Provides guidelines for managing nursing hours per patient day.
  3. Diverse Modes of Employment
    Outlines various employment categories and contract specifics.
  4. Salary and Allowance Details
    Lists pay scales, classification levels, and special allowances.
  5. Leave and Hours Provisions
    Describes leave entitlements, rostering, and overtime regulations.

Qualification Allowance

In Western Australia, nurses who enhance their qualifications receive a Qualification Allowance. This initiative, part of a broader strategy to advance healthcare standards, benefits both full-time and part-time Registered Nurses and Midwives. For part-time staff, the allowance is proportionate to their working hours.

Qualification Level Description Annual Rate
Level 1 Approved Graduate Certificate or equivalent qualifications $3,166
Level 2 Approved Graduate Diploma or equivalent qualifications $4,070
Level 3 Recognised Masters or PhD $4,975

Related: Nurse Qualification Allowance for Continuing Education

The allowance is structured across three levels: Level 1 for Graduate Certificates or equivalent qualifications, Level 2 for Graduate Diplomas, and Level 3 for more advanced studies like Masters or PhDs. Each level offers a different allowance rate, acknowledging the complexity and depth of study involved.

Clinical Nurse Specialist Role

In WA, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a title that may be applied to Senior Registered Nurse (SRN) job classifications. However, the CNS role similar to what's found in NSW and Victoria aligns more closely with Registered Nurse Level 2 (RN-2).

An RN-2 in WA handles a diverse range of responsibilities, including direct nursing care, case management, and service coordination for specific patient groups. They also provide support and education to other staff, serve as role models, and participate in research and quality improvements. This level reflects advanced nursing practice and mentorship.

By comparison, an SRN1 takes on more specialised roles requiring advanced expertise and leadership in their practice areas, contributing significantly to nursing standards and policy development within their specialised field.

Related: What Is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Australia?

Clinical Nurse Consultants in WA

In Western Australia, the role of a Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) is encompassed within the scope of Senior Registered Nurse (SRN) Levels 1 to 4. These levels detail a progression of responsibilities and expertise:

  • SRN Level 1: At this level, nurses are involved in providing clinical leadership and consultancy within specific practice settings. Their focus includes direct care, developing and implementing clinical standards, and managing resources relevant to their area of practice.
  • SRN Level 2: CNCs in this level take on more complex responsibilities, such as overseeing patient care in wards or units and providing staff development and educational support, which are central to the role.
  • SRN Level 3: At this level, nurses expand their professional practice roles, which include leading multidisciplinary teams, managing complex or tertiary level services, and using advanced problem-solving strategies. This reflects the CNC's role in influencing and coordinating patient care beyond basic nursing skills.
  • SRN Level 4: CNCs here demonstrate expertise and autonomy, influencing nursing practice within and beyond their healthcare facility. They serve as resources, advisers, mentors, and technical experts, driving changes in nursing practice through their interventions and advice.

Related: What Is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Australia?

Nurse Educator Roles

In Western Australia, the role of a Nurse Educator is encompassed within the scope of Senior Registered Nurses (SRN) levels 1 to 4.

  • SRN Level 1: Nurse Educators at this level concentrate on clinical education and consultancy within their practice settings, providing leadership in clinical education.
  • Advancing SRN Levels: As they progress through SRN levels 2 to 4, Nurse Educators take on broader educational responsibilities. These include curriculum development, coordinating staff development programs, and leading educational initiatives across different wards or units.

Related: Clinical Nurse Educator Role in Australia

Nurse Unit Manager

In Western Australia, while the terms 'Nurse Unit Manager' and 'Nurse Manager' are not explicitly defined, they do apply to positions classified as SRN 1 to 4. These classifications include a range of roles such as Clinical Nurse Manager, Clinical Nurse Consultant, and Associate NUM. A Nurse Unit Manager in this context would likely perform the following duties, as outlined for SRN Level 1:

  1. Leadership and Role Modelling. Provide leadership within the scope of their role, setting a professional example in clinical and managerial aspects.
  2. Standards and Policy Development. Promote, develop, and implement standards and policies within a quality and research-oriented environment.
  3. Staff Recruitment and Orientation. Recruit, select, and orient nursing staff, ensuring they align with the unit's standards and requirements.
  4. Resource Management. Manage human and material resources within their practice setting or area of specific control.
  5. Team Coordination. Develop and coordinate nursing and/or multidisciplinary service teams, ensuring effective collaboration and service delivery.

These duties reflect a combination of clinical expertise, leadership, administrative skills, and team management, which are key aspects of a Nurse Unit Manager's role.

Related: How to Become a Nurse Unit Manager (NUM)