Title: Queensland Health Nursing and Midwifery Classification Structure

Author: Queensland Health



The "Queensland Health Nursing and Midwifery Classification Structure" document, current as of May 2015, provides a detailed outline of the various nursing and midwifery roles within Queensland Health. It summarises the classification structure as found in multiple sources, including the Queensland Health Nurses and Midwives Award – State 2012 and the Certified Agreement (EB8) 2012. This structure categorises nursing roles from entry-level positions, such as Assistant in Nursing, to advanced roles like Executive Director of Nursing.

Each classification in the document details the responsibilities and pay point levels associated with different nursing and midwifery grades. It serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the career progression, role responsibilities, and pay scales within the Queensland Health system for nursing and midwifery staff.


Queensland Health, the author of this document, is a department of the Queensland Government. It delivers a range of health services across Queensland and oversees the public health system, including developing and managing nursing and midwifery staff.

Key Takeaways

  1. Detailed Role Classifications
    Outlines specific duties for various nursing and midwifery roles.
  2. Career Progression Pathways
    Provides clear pathways for career advancement in nursing and midwifery.
  3. Pay Point Levels
    Details the pay scale associated with each nursing and midwifery grade.
  4. Comprehensive Role Summary
    Offers a summary of responsibilities for each nursing classification.
  5. Resource for Staff Development
    Acts as a guide for nurses and midwives to understand career opportunities within Queensland Health.

Clinical Nurse Role

In Queensland, the "Clinical Nurse" role under the Nurse Grade 6 classification aligns with the equivalent of a Clinical Nurse Specialist found in other Australian states.

This grade requires nurses to have a comprehensive understanding of professional nursing issues. They also need in-depth knowledge in their specific area of practice.

Positioned above the general registered nurse levels, Grade 6 marks an advanced stage in the nursing career. These nurses are accountable for their actions and play a key role in upholding high standards of care.

Related: What Is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Australia?

Clinical Nurse Consultant Roles

In Queensland, Clinical Nurse Consultants (CNCs), classified under Nurse Grade 7, coordinate clinical practice within their specialty areas. They actively integrate strategic goals into service delivery and lead the provision of nursing care or specialty services.

CNCs engage directly in patient care and undertake various administrative tasks. They are key players in education and research within their field, promoting learning and supporting workforce development. They implement educational and research initiatives and manage changes at the local level to improve clinical services.

The progression through the CNC role involves four distinct pay levels, reflecting their growing experience. They start with specific site-based duties, expanding to broader responsibilities that may include statewide operations as they advance.

Related: What Is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Australia?

Nurse Educator Roles

The document defines the roles of Nurse Educators and Associate Nurse Educators in Queensland Health.

  • Nurse Educator: A Registered Nurse/Midwife who designs, implements, and assesses nursing education programs, manages educational resources, and provides expertise on educational issues. Classified under Nurse Grade 7, this role includes responsibilities such as developing and directing nursing education courses.
  • Associate Nurse Educator: Performs similar functions but on a more limited scale compared to a Nurse Educator. They assist in the design and implementation of education programs and management of educational resources, and are typically classified under Nurse Grade 6.

Related: Clinical Nurse Educator Role in Australia | Graduate Certificate Nurse Education Online

Nurse Unit Manager

"A Nurse Unit Manager is a Registered Nurse/Midwife who co-ordinates clinical practice and provides human and material resources in a specific area."

In Queensland, a Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) is at Nurse Grade 7, equivalent to roles like Clinical Nurse Consultant, Nurse Educator, Nurse Researcher, and Public Health Nurse. The unique role of an NUM is to oversee the operational management of a nursing unit, including staff supervision, resource allocation, and maintaining high standards of patient care.

Related: How to Become a Nurse Unit Manager