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How to Become a Counsellor in Australia: 3 Steps

Becoming a counsellor is straightforward: do a course, get experience, and apply for registration.

Psychotherapy session with client

1. Get a Counselling Qualification

Female university graduate

To become a qualified counsellor, different educational pathways are available. A course must be focused on counselling, not psychology or social work, to be accredited by Australia's leading professional bodies.

ECU - Master of Counselling

The Master of Counselling from Edith Cowan University is accredited by the ACA. While delivered online, the program includes 220 hours of professional placement with an approved organisation. The 12-unit degree takes 2 years of part-time study. The accessible and accelerated online learning experience allows you to study year-round and move on to a new subject every 2 months. The course allows you to become a counsellor or add to an existing skillset in allied health, welfare, and community-based roles. Topics include ethics, trauma, child/adolescent, mental health, cultural interface, advanced techniques, and using digital technology.

2. Gain Experience Working With Clients

Man consulting with teenage male client

After earning your counselling qualification, you will need to gain practical experience working with clients to develop your skills further. The main options are internships, supervised work placements, and volunteer work.

Many counselling courses require students to complete a certain number of hours of supervised practical work as part of their qualification. This work provides students with an opportunity to practice their skills under the guidance of a qualified supervisor.

Volunteer work is another great way to gain experience and build your skills. Many organisations offer volunteer opportunities for counsellors, including crisis support hotlines, community health centres, and non-profit organisations.

3. Apply for Registration With a Professional Body

Friendly discussion between professional man and woman

To practice as a registered counsellor, you need to register with a professional body. The two leading ones are the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA).

How Many Years To Become a Counsellor?

In Australia, there are forms of counselling you can do immediately without any formal qualifications. There also isn't a clear definition of what a counsellor is since the term is not a protected title, meaning anyone can use it to describe themselves.

If you are interested in providing support to others without formal qualifications, there are some options available. For example, you may be able to work as a support worker, community service worker, or peer support worker. These roles involve providing emotional support, guidance, and practical assistance to people who are facing challenges in their lives.

The quickest path to becoming a registered counsellor is a Diploma in Counselling. The course itself only takes 16 months on average, meaning you could potentially become fully qualified in under two years.

However, a diploma will not offer the same career opportunities as a degree or graduate diploma in counselling. More than 70% of counsellors have a bachelor degree at least, with 37% holding a postgraduate qualification.

A Bachelor of Counselling will take 3 years of full-time study. If you already have a related undergraduate degree, you can opt for a master's degree that also contains work placements. This will take 1.5 years normally, or 2 years of accelerated part-time study.

Related: Difference Between Counselling and Psychology