Statistical Ratings by Students

Lowish satisfaction

At La Trobe University, 74.6% of recent graduates reported satisfaction with their course. This is 3 points below the national average of 77.6%. The outcome is based on the experiences of 3,344 graduates, as captured by the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ).

Below average experiences

La Trobe's current students report a 71.9% positive overall educational experience, which is 2.5 points lower than the national average of 74.4%. This assessment is based on 11,534 responses, indicating room for improvement in the university's student experience.

Limited interactions

47.5% of students felt positive about their interactions with staff and students, more than 4 points below the national average of 51.8%. This result is based on feedback from 11,535 students, reflecting low engagement and community spirit at the university.

Ordinary outcomes

La Trobe University's graduates had a median income of $49,000 one year after completing their studies, which is below the national median of $50,600. This figure accounts for earnings from full-time and part-time employment, and unemployment.

Course Information