Title: Master of Education (Guidance & Counselling)
Provider: University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ)
Campus location(s): Toowoomba, Queensland and Online
The Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling at UniSQ is for current educators who want to become guidance officers or school counsellors. The program covers advanced counselling techniques, emotional and behavioural issues in children, and child protection strategies.
It combines online and on-campus study options, providing flexibility for students everywhere. This course gives educators the knowledge and practical skills to improve student support services effectively.
The University of Southern Queensland offers a diverse range of academic programs. USQ is particularly noted for its strong emphasis on accessible online and distance education, allowing students across Australia and internationally to study according to their schedules.
Key Takeaways
- Designed for educators aiming for roles in guidance and counselling.
- Does not lead to teacher registration in Queensland.
- Entry requires an undergraduate degree in Education.
- Full-time duration is 1.5 years; part-time options are available.
- Pathway to advanced research and PhD opportunities.
Course Structure
This 12-unit program is divided into four core courses, four specialisation courses, and four research courses. Topics include 'Advanced Counselling in Educational Contexts,' 'Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Young People,' and 'Child Wellbeing and Protection.'
Students will also engage in practical research projects that allow them to apply their learning in real-world educational settings.
Why This Degree Is Worthwhile
This degree enables educators to enhance their professional practice by providing effective counselling and support to students. It addresses critical areas such as student behaviour, emotional well-being, and safety.
Graduates are prepared for significant roles in educational environments. Completing this degree opens doors to specialised positions that directly influence student success and development.