Title: Enrolled Nurse (Division 2) Approved Programs of Study

Author: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)



This webpage presents a comprehensive list of dozens of approved programs of study for aspiring Enrolled Nurses (Division 2) in Australia. Published by AHPRA, these Diploma of Nursing programs are accredited by AHPRA and approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). The site offers a searchable database of courses, providing information on course length, location, and educational provider.


The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) works in partnership with the NMBA to oversee the approval and accreditation of nursing and midwifery education programs in Australia.

Key Takeaways

  1. Comprehensive list of 50+ nursing programs.
  2. Details on course duration and providers.
  3. Accredited by AHPRA and approved by NMBA.
  4. Focuses on Enrolled Nurse (Division 2) qualification.
  5. Useful for verifying course legitimacy.

Qualification to Become an Enrolled Nurse

The list of 50 or so courses highlights that a Diploma of Nursing is the qualification to become an Enrolled Nurse (Division 2) in Australia. The programs are broadly similar, specifying 18 to 24 months for full-time study or around 30 months for part-time. These courses are offered across all states and territories and require on-campus attendance, with no fully online options available.

While there are many different types of nursing courses, the Diploma of Nursing is currently the only pathway to become an EN, including for international students. This is unlike the situation for registered nursing. The pathway to becoming an RN is more varied, offering opportunities for individuals with different educational backgrounds, including those transitioning from other careers or advancing from the EN role.

Related: Diploma of Nursing Online in Australia: Pros and Cons