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Top 3 Online Computer Science Degrees in Australia

The leading Bachelor of Computer Science programs for online learners.

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Let's explore Australia's top online degrees in computer science, especially for a Bachelor of Computer Science. An online course is the most efficient way to earn a degree in this field. You can fit study around work and other commitments.

In today's digital age, studying computer science has become an empowering and lucrative career choice. Computer scientists solve programming challenges, create software, and lead in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, digital forensics, web development, and data security.

Australian universities offer an assortment of computing qualifications by distance learning. We've selected the top programs based graduate ratings and faculty size. Here is the best Australia has to offer in terms of online computer science degrees.

Bachelor of Computer Science Online

Here are our selections for the best computer science degrees at undergraduate level. If you're interested in studying computer science at an Australian university, these are some of the first programs you should check out.

We based the rankings of faculty size and, in particular, how many undergraduate IT students were studying online at each university. Universities with few students were excluded due to the obvious lack of popularity. We also used satisfaction ratings of graduates who recently entered the job market.

University of New England

The University of New England's undergraduate computing program has an impressive 83.9% satisfaction rating among recent graduates. That's 11.6 points above the national average! The Bachelor of Computer Science course develops programming, mathematics, software engineering and problem-solving skills. Three majors are available: Software Development, Data Science, and Cybersecurity. The guaranteed ATAR for this course is 72.55. At last count, 307 fully online learners were doing undergraduate IT courses at UNE.

Charles Sturt University

The Bachelor of Computer Science from Charles Sturt University offers students a well balanced education in computer sciences and programming, from foundations to the most up-to-date technologies. Students can major in Cyber Security or Web Development. If you want more freedom over subject choice, there's always the option to enroll in CSU's Bachelor of Information Technology. The minimum ATAR for entry into the program is 55. CSU is Australia's second largest online university for computing, with 428 undergraduate and 716 postgraduate students. The satisfaction rating among recent graduates is good, at 78.5%.

Edith Cowan University

ECU in Perth is Australia's 3rd largest university for online computing, with 445 bachelor and 343 postgraduate students. The comp sci department also does well in student satisfaction, with 76.9% of recent graduates giving a positive rating. The Bachelor of Computer Science prepares students for computing and software engineering careers, covering programming, mathematics, networking, databases, and security. You have a choice of two majors: Cyber Security (network and information security, digital forensics, cryptography, ethical hacking) and Software Engineering (software development life cycle). An ATAR of 70 will get you into the program.

Comparison table

Graduate Satisfaction 83.9% 78.5% 76.9%
Majors Cybersecurity
Data Science
Software Development
Cyber Security
Web Development
Cyber Security
Software Engineering
IT Students Online 307 428 445
ATAR Score for Entry 72.55 55 70

Sources: University course pages, uCube enrolment statistics, Compared student survey statistics. Updated: 3 May 2024.

Why Study Computer Science?

Young man using computer tablet in cafe

Computer Science is an exciting field that offers lucrative career opportunities. By studying for a university degree in this field, you'll build a strong foundation of concepts and problem-solving techniques. You'll be well positioned to launch a career and adapt to new technologies in fast-paced industries.

In Australia, there is a high demand for graduates. Potential career paths are available in application development, programming, software engineering, systems analysis, multimedia development, database administration, network management, and more. These are all high-paying kinds of jobs.

As well as developing skills for these careers, a computer science degree establishes a knowledge platform from which you can grow. With such a comprehensive education under your belt, professional development will be made easier. You'll have the technology literacy and broad-based IT training to keep up with the latest advancements, ensuring your skills remain relevant throughout your career.

Computer Science vs Information Technology

IT professional working on code

Bachelor of Computer Science and Bachelor of Information Technology degrees in Australia are similar and it can be difficult to tell the difference. Often, the degrees essentially refer to the same thing: an undergraduate computing program. But there are some subtle distinctions.

  • Comp sci programs tend to focus on the back-end of computer services, such as software development, algorithms, and operating system design. IT courses may be more concerned with the front-end, including information systems, security, and customer support.
  • Computer sciences training is heavy on coding, programming, data structures, and mathematics. IT degrees may cover these topics more briefly.
  • A good computer science program prepares students for almost any computing role. IT programs may be more specialised or non-technical.

Ultimately, you should look in detail at the subjects offered by any given computing degree program. Whatever the label, choose the course that best helps you achieve your learning and career goals. Remember that some BIT degrees are perfectly fine for students who originally planned to study computer science.


† Online courses are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Gold Coast, Newcastle. Australia-wide.